Daisy turns ten!

This little puppy of mine turned 10 today! Nanny stole Daisy yesterday afternoon so she wasn't with us first thing this morning. We know a lot of people that wouldn't accept this on a birthday eve and morning but the main thing was that Daisy wanted to be there. She loves staying with nanny they… Continue reading Daisy turns ten!

August is nearly over.

Stating the obvious I know but we're normally away or coming back from being away or just got back from being away, doing nothing this week has thrown us. Do you ever feel sometimes that there's something hanging over you that you should be doing and can't quite figure it out? That's what we've been… Continue reading August is nearly over.

Memories from this day 3 years ago.

We love our memories popping up on social media and this morning was great to see where we had been 3 years ago today. Stratford-upon-Avon butterfly farm https://www.butterflyfarm.co.uk/attraction/https://www.butterflyfarm.co.uk/attraction/ big thumbs up from us and recommended highly to families in the area looking for a worth while day out. We went with the intention of escaping… Continue reading Memories from this day 3 years ago.